Home Blog Hunt 4 Hope Deer Hunt Creates Lifelong Memories for Physically Challenged Hunters​

Hunt 4 Hope Deer Hunt Creates Lifelong Memories for Physically Challenged Hunters

For nearly two decades now, TenPoint Crossbows has worked with various organizations that provide special needs and physically challenged hunters the opportunity to experience the great sport of archery through a crossbow whitetail deer hunt.

TenPoint’s Barb Terry has been at the forefront of this charge from day one, not only working with organizations to plan the hunts, but also in guiding the hunters.

“It may take a little more time and patience to make it all happen for hunters with disabilities, but when you see how much it means to them you really can peacefully go to sleep at night knowing you were a small part of making their lives seem ‘normal,’ even if for just one day!”, she said.

In 2021, TenPoint once again teamed up with Ohio Hunt 4 Hope for their October deer hunt. This hunt gives up to 6 youth physically challenged or disabled hunters from ages 10-17 the chance to apply for an all-expense paid deer hunt in Ohio.  Each hunter selected receives boots and clothing, plus other hunting related items, tags, all meals, hotel room & transportation to/from the hunting location.

Hunt 4 Hope Ohio

Thanks to several volunteers (including Board Members), each hunter has the chance to go out on 3 sits during the hunt. Plus, everyone involved with the hunt enjoys great meals – thanks to the “Camping Families” who get up extra early and go to bed very late to make sure the kitchen duties are taken care of!

2021 was unique in that 4 of the hunters were wheelchair bound, with 2 of them being non-transferrable.  This makes things a little harder logistically when it comes time to transport the youth, seated in the wheelchair, to the blind. However, this would not deter the hunters or the volunteers from having a successful hunt.

Each hunter is accompanied by a Hunt 4 Hope Board member as their guide and are dropped off by the landowners at their blind with their TenPoint crossbow.

All in all, a total of 6 deer were harvested on this hunt by 4 of the 6 hunters, with 3 of the deer being bucks!

After each recovery, another dedicated team of volunteers works on preliminary butchering and a dedicated taxidermist is on site to make sure each mount and hide are properly removed before shiping the meat off to the butcher. Hunt 4 Hope then pays for the meat to be processed into burger, steaks, and roasts from each deer.

From start-to-finish, the hunt is a lifelong memory for not just the hunters, but the volunteers as well.

“As the Vice President of Hunt 4 Hope, I am proud to participate with these hunters and provide them with their hunting equipment every year,” said TenPoint’s Barb Terry. “Until you spend the amount of time, I have working with all of the fine hunters and volunteers, you really can’t understand the impact you’ve made on their lives.”

Hunt 4 Hope Ohio
Hunt 4 Hope Ohio

About Hunt 4 Hope

Hunt 4 Hope Ohio

The Ohio Hunt 4 Hope has a unique beginning.  A ten-year old named Cooper, had just been diagnosed with CMT (Charcot Marie Tooth Disease) and was given an opportunity to deer hunt at a family friend’s property.  Cooper said he wished all kids with disabilities would be able to experience hunting the way he did.  Thus Cooper McCoy Inc. was formed – also known as Hunt 4 Hope (Ohio).  Cooper is the figurehead of the organization, and a Board was created 8-years ago.

Want to Read More

Click here to read “Canoe Recovery Highlights Special Needs Hunt with TenPoint”.