What Target is Best for Crossbow Practice?
Brian Flaherty / August 29th, 2022- BigShot Targets: https://www.bigshottargets.com/
- Delta/McKenzie: https://dmtargets.com/
- Field Logic Targets: https://www.feradyne.com/target-archery/targets/
- Morrell Targets: https://www.morrelltargets.com/
- Rinehart Targets: https://www.rinehart3d.com/crossbow-targets/
- Spyderweb Targets: https://spyderwebtargets.net/
Field Points Only
If you want “two finger arrow removal” with 505+ FPS, the below targets are hard to beat. They typically stop arrows within 8” and last a long time (as long as you space your shots out). Note that while these targets are great at stopping crossbow arrows, they are not lightweight. If you plan on moving targets of this type of target frequently, make sure you research the weight of the target before you purchase.
Big Shot Ironman Targets. We use large BIGshot range targets on our testing range (where all ACUslide crossbows are test fired at 5-yards before leaving the factory). We have found BIGshot Ironman targets to offer the longest life of any target we have tested to date. We also use the BIGshot Kinetic 650 Target on our outdoor range with fantastic results.
Click to View BIGshot Compatibility Field Point Targets
Spyderweb Targets. Also offer easy arrow removal with the fastest of crossbows.

Fieldpoints and Broadheads
If you are looking for a target that will stop both field points and the occasional broadhead, AND offer EASY arrow removal, the best options we have found so far are from BIGshot Targets.
Click to View BIGshot Compatibility Foam Targets
BIGshot Titan Series Targets: https://www.bigshottargets.com/collections/broadhead-targets-1Stopping
We have found removal of field point arrows to be virtually impossible in most foam targets at speeds over 400 FPS. But if you are planning to use a foam target to stop your high speed/kinetic energy crossbow with field points we recommend that you apply a light coat of the odor-free TenPoint Premium Lubricant or Scorpion Venom lube to the arrow shaft and field point. One small twist of the arrow shaft will usually allow for easier removal.
They will also stop a fixed blade broadhead out of a fast crossbow better than any targets we have tested. The removal is not easy, but you can apply a light coat of the odor-free TenPoint Premium Lubricant or Scorpion Venom lube to the arrow shaft prior to the shot.

All of this information and strategy, while not a guarantee, definitely increases your odds of not only cross paths with many deer throughout the season, but that you will get a good ethical shot opportunity, hopefully at a mature buck!